Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Digital Multi-channel Real-time Marketing Risks and Challenges

Digital Multi-channel Real-time Marketing Risks and Challenges

As with any solution there are challenges.  First and foremost, the key challenge is to deploy a real-time solution across all interaction channels.  This can be a daunting task, especially for long-time established companies.  However, having a tool that can be deployed incrementally is a must.  Rolling out real-time marketing solutions to the most used channels first is the most common approach, but challenges can be encountered.  Companies do not always have the same business drivers across functional areas or the same kind of success criteria.  Overcoming these types of challenges can be done, but it takes a good governance program and buy-in at all levels of the company.  The vast amounts of data, data access and data quality can also be a challenge for companies when implementing real-time marketing solutions.  These can be overcome with a focused and logical approach typically driven by marketing use cases that are prioritized.

Like challenges, risks are also top of mind when rolling out real-time marketing solutions.  A common risk that marketers tend to worry about is the real-time black box syndrome.  They sometimes view the real-time and self-learning nature of the solution as something they cannot control or fully understand.  While real-time analytical algorithms are in some cases built on proprietary or unique models, there are real-time reporting tools that can provide the insight as to why certain things are happening on a specific channel, with a specific customer segment or specific product offerings.  These risks can also be mitigated using business rules in conjunction with real-time marketing that lets marketers be in more control.

Put a strategy in place, execute that strategy and be willing to adjust and fine tune the strategy as the marketing environment and conditions change and the following benefits can be achieved:
    • Better customer profiling and targeting
    • Self-leaning analytics
    • Flexible combination of rules, analytics, and arbitration
    • Multi-channel communication execution
    • Collaboration across divisions
    • Real-time performance to make decisions in real-time
    • Integration and access to enterprise systems
    • Unprecedented ROI and payback
More on best practices in a future post...

Until then, enjoy the reading and have a great day!